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Дерево узнаётся по его плодам // О человеке сУдят по тому, что он сОздал что оставил после себЯ

I believe that the Church in this country is in drastic need of. re form. I think we have too many saints and not enough sanctity; teo many cults and not enough catechism, too many medals and not enough medicine, too mаnу churches апd поt enough schools. We have three million workless men and three million women living Ьу prostitution. We control the State through the Christian Democratic Party and the Vatican Bank ; yet we countenance the dichotomy which gives prosperity to half the country and lets the other half rot in penury. Our clergy are undereducated and insecure and yet we rail against anticlericals and Communists. А tree is known Ьу its fruits- and 1 Ьelieve that it's better to proclaim а new deal in social justice than а new attribute of the Blessed Virgin. ( West)

"Last infirmity of noЬle mind, the primary, perhaps only, source of sin," he scribbled. "NoЬle mind-evil mind. Tree known bу fruits. What are fruits of fame-seeking, ambition, desire to excel? Among others, war, nationalism, economic competition, snobbery, class hatred, colour prejudice." (Huxley)

"Уou can't Ье serious !" cried Barbara, getting her voice back. "You're good, Manuela, you're kind. You wouldn't punish а girl for what her parents may have done." Stonily Manuela shrugged. "Bad trees have Ьаd fruit. That 'Nita, she looks like her mother. 1 think she is like her too." ( Williams)